Weighted Blankets

How to apply for a Weighted Blanket with Funding

Weighted Blanket are not able to be purchased WITHOUT prior approval from the NDIS. This includes Plan, Agency and Self Managed participants. Please make sure prior to purchase if using funding that you have been approved of the purchase.
If you need a quote or product information on our blankets please give us a call to we will organise all necessary paperwork for you. 
Assistive Tech Level 1 and 2 (Basic) {Fact sheet} {from the NDIS website}
To see whcih items you can purchase using Consumables... low cost low risk Assistive Tech. 
Assistive Tech Level 3 and 4 (Specialised) {Fact sheet}{Weighted blankets are a level 3-4}
They require Approval and a Sensory Assessment please see fact sheet above. We are happy to help where we can to support your application.
You can contact your local AT office by checking the NDIS website for contact details.
Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions.