SOMNA® Chain Weighted Junior Blankets

"I like it because it makes my body not scared" Issacc 6

The Junior Chain Weighted Blanket is a weighted aid, utilised by a number of patient groups and carers with a variety of diagnoses and ages. The Chain Weighted Blanket is a sensory integration medical device that stimulates the tactile and proprioceptive senses (touch, muscles and joints) with the use of weight and pressure point activation from chains in longitudinal channels. The chains form close to the body and the gentle, deep pressure reinforces the nerve pathways to the brain giving comfort and an increased body awareness.

Individuals suffering from anxiety, distress,unrest, and sensory/motory disorders often have difficulties finding ways to achieve rest, sleep and peace. Due to the gentle deep pressure applied to the body, the user experiences a feeling of safety and a prolonged calming effect.

Our junior Blankets are often recommended by Occupational Therapists and Doctors to assist children with Anxiety, Chronic sleep issues, Separation anxiety and Sensory Processing Disorder. Feel free to call or e-mail one of our team members for advice on a the right product for your child.


Our SOMNA® Chain Weighted Junior Blankets are available in 3.4kg and 5kg and are 125cm x 105cm in length.

TGA and NDIS Registered, Machine Washable, Fire Retardant, Chain Weighted, Tactile and Bias Bound